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Asagi's Birthday!

Asagi, what are you doing? Rie asks.

It's my birthday, I'm hiding, Little Asagi says.

We have a plan for Asagi's birthday!

What is it with you guys and my coffee cups? Rie asks.

I think we should be terrified, Little Hiroki says.

You'll help us, right, Rie? Little Tsu asks.

I'd better or it's likely my kitchen will be on fire, Rie says.

Can I eat it?


Can I eat it?


Can I eat it?

Little Tsu, are we going to have this conversation every time someone has a birthday? Rie asks.


Cookies! Little Tsu says.

No, that's the bottom layer of the dessert, Rie says.


Happy Birthday!

Okay, maybe hiding in the cabinet was a little much, Little Asagi says.

Happy Birthday!

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