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Hiroki's (Slightly late) Birthday

Little Zou is really excited about his friend Hiroki's birthday. (Rie doesn't quite understand why he's dancing in her coffee cup though.)

Thinking about what to do.

Cake baking! (Little Rui doesn't look convinced.)

Neither does Rie's dog, Loki.

Ummmm. Not quite right.

It's okay though, Rie said she'd help.

Little Tsu wants to know if he can eat it yet.

Rie says it's not even close to finished.


No, not yet.

Sampling the goods anyway.

Darn it, Tsu! Get your head out of there.


No, not yet.

Aw, come ON! Please!

No, not yet.

Little Hiroki is wondering where everyone went.

Happy Birthday!

Thanks, guys!

Aw, quit it! You're so weird.

Little Asagi says he gives up on trying to figure everyone out.

Rie thinks that's probably best.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Hiroki!

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